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Nomad Riptide Floating Stickbait – 155mm (Pre-rigged)

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The Riptide 155mm floating stickbait is an ideal surface lure for kingfish, tuna, mackerel, GT’s & even big barramundi. It floats with a tail down position and has an extremely erratic side to side ‘S’ shaped action when retrieved with a long sweep of the rod. The Riptide 155 floating features a tail weight for extra long casting distance and works equally well in calm or rough water.

The Riptide is another unique Nomad Designs creation we extensively tested through 2014 and the early stages of 2015. A floating stickbait with the perfect balance required to achieve that dynamic, strike enducing ‘S’ shaped swimming motion. A long sweep of the rod tip makes the head duck under with a splash, then as the water flows over the lures body a seductive body roll and ‘S’ wave action is imparted sub-surface.

Extensive testing of the internal weight placement combined with a body shape that can only be made from HD ABS plastic makes the swimming action on the Riptide simply unbeatable. The weights in the tail also make casting easy.

All Nomad Design Lures come fitted with the highest quality super strong BKK hooks, chosen to balance perfectly with each lure, and provide exceptional swimming actions and hookup rates for all species. Nomad Design Lures can be fished straight out of the box with confidence.


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