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BKK GT Rex Treble Hooks – Barbless


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The GT Rex Barbless Trebles are produced by the famous manufacturer BKK who have been producing hooks for over a hundred years.

The first and most important feature about these hooks is that each point on every treble has been hand ground to create an incredibly sharp and highly strong point. This very high quality process ensures great penetration.

These trebles are incredibly strong and have many outstanding features that will suit the anglers who are chasing trophy apex species.

* Innovative sealing technology is used to minimise the diameter of GT Rex’s hook eye to get through split rings easily while keeping the superior strength of the hook.
* BKK’s proud hook processing technology ensures the ultimate impaling power.
* Deepest hook point and widest hook gap in the industry that helps attach the hook to the fish during the flight to preventing big fish escaping.
* Compact sealing increases the elasticity of the hook to reduce its possibility of being pulled.

1 review for BKK GT Rex Treble Hooks – Barbless

  1. Gibbo

    Big, strong quality treble. Worth paying the extra $$$.

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BKK GT Rex Treble Hooks – Barbless